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Best Teacher for Science,Maths,Physics in Varanasi


(ID- T2021950)


A Certified Teacher From Qalp Educare

  • Class Mode: Offline
  • Class/Cousre : 12th,11th,10th,9th,8th,7th,6th
  • Subject : Science,Maths,Physics
  • Language : English
  • Vaccination : vaccinated
  • Experience : 6 years +
  • Age : 31
  • Qualification : B.Tech
  • Specilization : Maths
  • Preferred Area : 221007
  • City : Varanasi
Rating :
About Me

I am a specialized Math Tutors assist students individually and help them to improve their math skills. I am open minded and tolerant of all customs, values and traditions. I strive to be prompt and efficient in my teaching methods & Possess strong communication and analytical skills and have the ability to extract, interpret and present relevant information and advice to management. Special Concentrates on feedback from students.

My name is VINAY KUMAR PANDEY, and i am 31 years old. About my qualification - B.Tech. I've been working as a tutor for my specialised subjects in Science,Maths,Physics for the past 6 years + in the city of Varanasi. And i am a positive person who has an enthusiastic outlook on life. I love my job and I get a great sense of achievement from seeing my students develop and grow as individuals. If I can have a positive impact on their future, i feel i am doing my job well.

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